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Poznan, Poland


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Abstract Submission - IATSO 2025


Abstract: A Strengths-Based Treatment Program for Sex Offenders 

 This preconference workshop describes the general clinical foundations of a strengths-based approach and translates this into a sex offender-specific treatment program. The elements of effective sex offender treatment will be outlined. This will include brief comments on the RNR and GLM models, which will be presented as helpful guides rather than as the foundations of our treatment approach. We will provide evidence on the importance of the therapist's qualities and ability to form effective groups. We will end by briefly summarizing our view of the currently available treatment outcome data and by providing outcome of our own treatment programs.


Liam E. Marshall, Ph.D.

Rockwood Psychological Services & Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care

Liam has been providing treatment and conducting research on offenders for more than two decades. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, including four books, is a board member and reviewer for a number of international journals, and has made numerous international conference presentations on offender and mental health issues. He has delivered trainings for therapists who work with sexual and violent offenders in 19 countries worldwide. He is currently Research and Training Director for Rockwood Psychological Services and a Researcher and Clinician at Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care.