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Practical application and implementation of the Good Lives Model (GLM)

David S. Prescott


The GLM is a strength-based rehabilitation model originally developed for treating individuals who have sexually abused. It is adapted for use with both adults and adolescents, male and female. Properly implemented, it adheres to the principles of risk, need, and responsivity, and can be delivered in accordance with principles of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral treatment. This training focuses on key theoretical underpinnings, principles, and applications of the model. It will focus on newly developed ideas for monitoring fidelity to the GLM, as well as tips for implementation efforts.


A mental health practitioner of 39 years, David Prescott is the Director of the Safer Society Continuing Education Center. He is the author and editor of 25 books in the areas of understanding and improving services to at-risk clients. He is best known for his work in the areas of understanding, assessing, and treating sexual violence and trauma. Mr. Prescott is the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Contribution award from the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA), the 2018 recipient of the National Adolescent Perpetration Network’s C. Henry Kempe Lifetime Achievement award, and the 2022 recipient of the Fay Honey Knopp Award from the New York State Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and New York State ATSA. He also served as ATSA President in 2008-09. Mr. Prescott currently trains and lectures around the world. His published work has been translated into Japanese, Korean, German, French, Polish, and Dutch. He has served on the editorial boards of four scholarly journals.