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Abstract: Treatment of Paraphilic Disorders / Behandlung der sexuellen Perversion

In the workshop, various concepts of treatments of paraphilic disorders will be discussed with a special focus on the comparison of psychodynamic concepts of the treatment of perversions and cognitive-behavioral concepts of sex offender treatment. Case studies will be presented to discuss which treatment may fit which patient.

In dem Workshop werden diverse Sexualstraftäterprogramme verglichen, wobei anhand von Fallbeispielen insbesondere psychodynamische Perversionstherorien und Behandlungskonzepte kognitiv-behavioralen gegenübergestellt werden, um zu diskutieren, für welchen Patienten welches Konzept besser geeignet ist.

Friedemann Pfäfflin, Prof. Dr. med., founding president of IATSO, had his training as psychiatrist at the University Clinic in Hamburg, Germany, where he worked for appr. 20 years in the Department of Sex Research before, in 1992, moving to Ulm University. There, he was head of the Department of Forensic Psychotherapy until 2010.