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Keynote Speakers at the 18th IATSO conference

We are happy to announce that these excellent professionals will be speaking at our conference in Poznań, Poland:




  • Thore Langfeldt (Norway): The history and current state of our understanding of pedophilia (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 
  • Anthony R. Beech (UK): How can an understanding of neuropsychology help in the assessment and treatment of individuals who have committed sexual offences? (Abstract & Bio Sketch)  
  • Michał Lew - Starowicz (Poland): Hypersexuality and sexual offending
  • Filip Szumski (Poland): Sex offenders registration, public notification, and civil commitment. Implementation in Poland (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 
  • Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme (Zimbabwe): The Economic Impact of Sexual Violence in Civil Conflict: Lessons from the DRC v Uganda ICJ Judgment (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 
  • Kelly M. Babchishin (Canada): Working through the puzzle: Understanding dyadic and family roles in incest across different relationship types  (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 
  • Maria Aparcero Suero (USA): Cultural considerations in sex offender risk assessment and treatment (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 
  • Sonja Etzler & Julia Sauter (Germany): Psychoanalysis in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders - An Outdated Concept or an Underestimated Potential?
  • Theresa A. Gannon (UK): Treatment for men who have sexually offended: Tips for success
  • Elizabeth Letourneau (USA): Failed policies: US sex offenders registration, public notification, and civil commitment
  • Michael H. Miner(USA): Research with adolescents who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior: What we've learned and implications for treatment and prevention (Abstract & Bio Sketch) 


PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (for on-site attendants only) : 


  • Thore Langfeldt (Norway): Strategies for treatment of sex offenses against children with relationship therapy 
  • Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme & Megan Cistulli (Zimbabwe & USA): Sexual violence in civil conflict: An overview of Africa's response
  • Kelly M. Babchishin (Canada) & Maaike L. Helmus (Canada): From risk to rehabilitation: Best practices for supervising and treating individuals involved in child sexual exploitation materials (Abstract & Bio Sketch)  
  • Michael H. Miner(USA): Changing the paradigm? Exploring implications of recent findings on treatment and assessment of adolescent males
  • Filip Szumski (Poland): Wysokie czy bardzo wysokie ryzyko recydywy? Możliwości oceny ryzyka recydywy sprawców na potrzeby Ustawy z 22.11.2013 (Engl.: High or very high recidivism risk? The possibilities of recidivism risk assessment under the Polish SVP law (the Act of 22 November 2013)) -> This workshop will be in Polish! (Abstract & Bio Sketch