The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th, 2025.
The official language of the conference is English and abstracts have to be submitted in English.
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the IATSO Organizing Committee. Authors will be informed about the decision of this committee not later than May 31st, 2025. The committee reserves the right to allocate papers either for oral or poster presentation.
The author giving the free communication is required to register and pay for an on-site attendance not later than June 15th, 2025. If registration and payment is not made by the deadline, the abstract cannot appear in the abstract book or in the conference schedule.
In case your abstract is not accepted and you are already registered, we will contact you regarding a refund of the registration fee.
If registration and payment is made, your abstract will be published in the Official Book of Abstracts (Zeitschrift für Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie). There will be no proofreading or editing by IATSO, so any error in the submitted abstract will appear in print. Authors transfer the copyright to IATSO.
Authors agree that their free communications may be stored in our video gallery and if so, will be accessible for three months (until November 29th, 2025) to all registered participants of the 18th IATSO conference, 2025. IATSO does not provide any option for downloading and distributing them. However, it is obvious that IATSO cannot completely rule out abuse or fraud.
Original papers written in English and presented at the conference may be submitted for possible publication in the IATSO e-Journal (Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention; https://sotrap.psychopen.eu)
General Guidelines:
Please check all the guidelines before submitting the abstract. If guidelines are not followed, we may not be able to take your abstract into account for our upcoming conference.
- Use the template for your abstract: Click HERE to download the template! Please, do NOT change font or font size of the template but use it exactly as it is!
- For an easier identification of the abstract-file during the process,the filename should include the author's name and an abbreviation of the title (e.g. Eberhaut, S._Cognitive Disortions).
- Abstracts should be written double-spaced and not exceed 200 words in length.
- The title of your abstract should not exceed 25 words in length. Except for proper nouns, only the first word and the first word after a colon should be written in capital letters.
- Add the affiliation of EVERY author and co-author (see template)
- Add the email address of the first author (see template).
- The name of the authors in the template should be "first name last name" and NOT "last name, first letter of the first name" (see template)
- Submit astracts by filling out this form and uploading your WORD file.
Note that all the authors will be mentioned in the abstract book but only the speaker will be mentioned in the program!
Guidelines Oral presentations:
Speaking time is presumably between 15 and 20 minutes (depending on the final number of presentations per session). Standard power point projection will be provided in all lecture halls.
Guidelines Symposium:
It is essential to enter the title of the symposium. We need an abstract for each talk of the symposioum. An abstract of the whole symposium is not required.
Guidelines Posters:
The posters selected for presentation will be exhibited throughout the conference. The posters should be in A0 (90cm x 120) format.
Poster Award:
Students (including graduate or Ph.D. students) presenting outstanding posters can be awarded the IATSO Poster Award. All first-author students presenting a poster at the 18th IATSO conference in Poznań, Poland are eligible to compete for this award. If you hand in an abstract for a poster and want to be compete for the poster award, please tick the box. Successful students will be awarded financial support (1st place: 500 € and 2nd place: 250 €).
During the poster session at the conference, a scientific jury will select the winning posters. The decision of the jury will be based on scientific excellence of the abstract and on the presentation of the scientific information on the poster.
(Possible) Contents of free communications and posters:
- Sexual offender treatment effectiveness
- Meta-analyses in sexual offender treatment
- Internet sexual offending
- Diagnosis of sex offence related disorders
- Comparing different methods in sexual offender treatment
- National programs of sexual offender treatment
- Risk assessment, risk calculation and risk communication
- Measuring change of risk
- Reducing risk by other means than by treatment
- The management of sexual offences in a context of cultural diversity
- The effectiveness of restorative justice systems
- Substance abuse and sexual violence
- Rehabilitation and treatment of young sexual offenders
- Sexual offending prevention policies
- Measurement of sexual deviance
- Neuroscience and sexual offenses
- Problematic and harmful sexual behaviour among children and adolescents (both online and offline behaviour)
- Multisystemic work in prevention and treatment of harmful sexual behaviour (both offline and online behaviour
- Policing sexual abuse online
- Online child abuse – new trends and challenges from a policing and treatment perspective
- Perceptions and stereotypes towards online and offline child sexual offending and offenders
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at office@iatso.org