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Welcome to the IATSO membership application site!


If you are interested in becoming a IATSO member please have a look onto IATSOs statutes to see whether you fulfill the requirements for IATSO membership.

In order to apply for a membership, please fill out the form below and provide us with the required documents. 

Please note:

- If you are applying for a Student membership, please also submit proof of enrolment from your university. 

- Do not forget to upload your CV. We need to have your CV in order to process your application


Membership fees: 

  • Individual, Academic, Asscoiate, Organizational, Institutional, Agency: 100€ per year

  • Student und Retired: 60€ per year (please note: Student membership also includes PhD studies; ALL student members have to send proof of enrolment every year to receive the student member rate)

  • Developing countries: 30€ per year (please click here to see if you are eligible for this rate)

If you want to renew a current membership, please access the IATSO member area (forgot your password?).

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at members@iatso.org or +43-1-270 6553

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