Implementing Treatment Programs for Sexual Offending:
Lessons Learned and Future Directions
Robert J. McGrath
This plenary will review briefly the history and current status treatment programs in the United States and selected other jurisdictions for men who have committed sexual offenses. The speaker will highlight lessons learned from providers, program directors, policy makers, and program evaluators about the challenges of and strategies for implementing evidence-based practices. Knowing what we know now, how can we design and implement effective treatment programs for individuals that commit sexual offenses and reduce reoffending?
Robert McGrath is president of McGrath Psychological Services and has over 35 years of clinical, program management, consulting, and research experience in the field of sexual aggression. For over 20 years, he was Clinical Director of the Vermont Department of Corrections network of three prison and twelve community treatment programs for sexual offending. He has served on the advisory boards of several treatment programs in the United States and the national programs in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. Among his publications, he is co-author of the ROSAC and SOTIPS risk assessment instruments. He is the 2015 recipient of the Lifetime Significant Achievement Award from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.