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Berlin, Germany, September 5-8, 2012

The IATSO database contains presenters' slides from our conferences. The automatic download is restricted to IATSO members. If you want to download publications, you have to be signed in with your IATSO member login. 

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Raymond Knight: Paraphilic Coercive Disorder: Is it a Distinct Paraphilia?
Laura F. Kuhle et al.: Facets of Empathy and Psychopathy in Undetected Sadistic Pedophiles: Preliminary Comparisons with Non-sadistic Pedophiles and Normal Controls.
Laura F. Kuhle et al.: Treatment Change in Child Pornography Offending in Pedophiles and Hebephiles in the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld
Patrick Mandikate and Geraldine Akerman: Can Convicted Offenders Be Classed as 'Volunteering' for Therapy? Working with Men who Have Committed Sexual Offences and Volunteered for Treatment in a Prison-based Therapeutic Community
Hannah L. Merdian et al.: “So why did you do it?” Explanations Provided by Child Pornography Offenders
Michael Miner: Understanding Perpetration of Child Sexual Abuse: Results from a Study of Adolescent Males
Katarzyna Nosek-Komorowska: Empathy and Emotional Functioning of Sex Offenders in Poland
Katarzyna Nosek-Komorowska: Sexual Offending in Poland
Friedemann Pfäfflin: The Forensic Experts' Contribution to Prolong Court Ordered Detention of Sexual Offenders
Dawn M. Pflugradt: Can Paraphilias as Currently Outlined in the DSM-IV-TR Be Applied to Female Offenders?
David Prescott: Therapeutic Communication: Motivation, Feedback, and beyond
Bernadette Rainey: Special Offender Groups and Equality. A Duty to Treat Differently?
Martin Rettenberger & Reinhard Eher: Risk Assessment in Sexually Motivated Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparison of Eight Different Measures
Marnie E. Rice & Grant T. Harris: Age or Aging? The Effects of Age on the Recidivism of Sex Offenders
Jay Singh: The Prediction of Sexual Recidivism: Current Uncertainties and Future Directions
Mimi Strange: 'Restorative Justice and Sexually Harmful Behaviour
Kris Vanhoeck: Towards an Ethical Framework for Fantasy Management in Sex Offenders
Dahlnym Yoon (Lunar): Predictive Validity of Protective Factors in Sexual Offenders
Howard Barbaree: Criminogenic Needs In Sex Offenders: What Have Years Of Actuarial Assessment Research Taught Us About The Critical Targets Of Effective Correctional Treatment?
Cyril Boonmann: Juvenile Sex Offenders and Psychiatric Disorders
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