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Vienna, Austria, September 11-14, 2002

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Hanson, R.K._IATSO 2002_Listening to the Evidence_Risk Factors and Treatment Efficacy for Sexual Offenders
Hanson, R.K._IATSO 2002_Risk Assessment with Adult Sexual Offenders
Hanson, R.K._IATSO 2002_Static-99
Hoog, W._IATSO 2002_Concept for a Prevention-Campaign Against Sexal Abuse and Violence by Motivating Potential Offenders for Treatment
Hoyer, J., Elsner, K. and Gonsior, K._IATSO 2002_Measurement of Victim Empathy and Cognitive Distortions in Sex Offenders
Janus, E.S._IATSO 2002_Sexual Offending and Volitional Control
Johnson, M.A._IATSO 2002_Victims of Sexual Offenders_Treating Psychiatric Disorders in Sexually Abused Children in a Forward Deployed Military Community
Kafka, M._IATSO 2002_Male Hypersexual Desire Disorders_Axis I Clinical Evaluation and Pharmacological Treatments
Kafka, M._IATSO 2002_Sex Offending and Sexual Appetite_The Clinical and Theoretical Relevance of Hypersexual Desire
Kitzberger, M., Neuwirth, W. and Eher, R._IATSO 2002_Verleugnungstendenzen bei Sexualstraftätern
Knock, K._IATSO 2002_The Police Perspective on Sex Offender Orders_A Preliminary Review of Policy and Practice
Konopasky, R.J. and Konopasky, A.W.B._IATSO 2002_Sexual Offender Assessment Evidence is Often Excluded from Criminal Trials in Canada_Analysis of the Criteria for Inclusion and the Exclusionary Rules
Kuchinka-Koch, A._IATSO 2002_The Laboratory Procedure for the Diagnosis of STIs
Lindsay, W.R. Astell, A., Elliot, S. and McLean, A._IATSO 2002_Prediction of Risk in Sex Offenders with Learning Disabilities
Lindsay, W.R., Law, J., Parry, C.J. and Smith, A.H.W._IATSO 2002_Four Studies on Emotion Comparing Sex Offenders and Control Subjects
MacCulloch, S., Phillips, H., Gray, N., MacCulloch, M., Taylor, J. and Huckle, P._IATSO 2002_Risk of Sexual and Violent Offending as a Function of Birth Order in Mentally Disordered Offenders
Meyer, W., Richards, C.D., Molett, M., Arnold, L. and Latham, J._IATSO 2002_Civil Commitment in Texas
Miner, M., Munns, R.A. and Berg, D.R._IATSO 2002_Understanding the Adolescent Sex Offender_Factors that Differentiate Sex Offenders from Other Delinquents
Miner, M.H._IATSO 2002_Developments in Phallometric Assessment
Neuwirth, W. and Eher, R._IATSO 2002_Psychological Assessment of Sex Offenders_First Data of a New Federal Documentation Centre of the Austrian Ministry of Justice
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