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Hamburg, Germany, September 6-9, 2006

The IATSO database contains presenters' slides from our conferences. The automatic download is restricted to IATSO members. If you want to download publications, you have to be signed in with your IATSO member login. 

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Pfaefflin, F._IATSO 2006_The Benefits of Sexual Offender Therapy
Pfeiffer, C. and Windzio, M._IATSO 2006_Crime Statistics and Public Opinion-Two Pictures of One Phenomenon
Schaefer, G.A. et al_IATSO 2006_Primary Prevention Project_First Results
Schneider, V._IATSO 2006_Verwendbarkeit standardisierter Instrumente in der Risikobeurteilung bei Sexualstraftätern
Seifert, D._IATSO 2006_Aus dem Maßregelvollzug _(§ 63 StGB_) entlassene Sexualstraftäter - Zum Verlauf der Wiedereingliederung
Seto, M._IATSO 2006_The Relationship Between Pornography Use and Sexual Offending
Sicher, A. and Hill, A._IATSO 2006_Integrative Psychodynamic Group Therapy with Pedophilic Men - A Qualitative Study
Smith, J., Segur, I. and Sellem, C._IATSO 2006_Cognitive Distortions in Exhibitionists_A Tool for Group Psychotherapy
Studer, L.H._IATSO 2006_Sex Offender Treatment - More than Just Relapse Prevention. Reflecting on the Phoenix Program Experience
Sudo, J., Tomoto, A., Obata, S. and Yamagami, A._IATSO 2006_Profiles of Young Sex Offenders in Japan
Tschan, W._IATSO 2006_Rehabilitation_Offence Focused Treatment of Professionals Who Have Commited Sexual Boundary Violations in Their Professional Role_Remedial Boundary Training
Ujeyl et al._IATSO 2006_Sexual Homicide Perpetrators-Criminal Responibility and Type of Detention
Urbaniok, F._IATSO 2006_FOTRES I
Ward, T. & Beech, A._IATSO 2006_An Integrating Theory of Sexual Offending
Wendt, F._IATSO 2006_Die Bedeutung des sozialen Empfangsraums
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